Monday, April 7, 2014

Miley Cyrus is important.

Weather you like it or not Miley has been one of the most talked about people in the last year. There is a lot of negativity surrounding her but what you don't understand is the positive impact she is bringing to the people who love her. 

First off Miley has one of the most incredible voices i have ever heard live.  The Bangerz Tour was probably the craziest and most fun concert i have ever been to. Lots and lots of hard work was obviously put into the show. Every move you could tell was very well thought out and intricate. This show seriously deserves a lot more credit then its getting. Whatever photos you've seen of the "contriversial" moments is taking it so over the top. Yeah i'll admit it wasn't a clean concert but those little moments being freaked out about were a matter of seconds.  It sucks that thats all people are talking about but that also just proves the point that she has been making. Controversy gets talked about and keeps her relevant and in the news. She is one of the smartest artists out there.  Strategic hot mess. You can complain all your want about it but guess what! Every time you post about her or watch her videos she gets paid for it. She is making money off you. And news flash at least one of your favorites has been to her show.


Miley is such a strong person. Everything that has happened to her has been in the public eye for everyone to judge. Can you imagine being engaged and everyone is hoping you fail and then spreading rumors about why it did.  I still wish they would have proved everyone wrong. 

Magazines are constantly using false stories to try and get sales. The amount of stories like these are ridiculous.

Everywhere you go you are taught to be yourself. Then when you are your self you aren't good enough or people don't like it. Thats what Miley has done. She has left Disney behind and decided not to hide who she is anymore. She shows that it doesn't matter what people think just be yourself. For me personally i feel more comfortable about who i am. The more i love her the better i feel about myself.  She is exactly who she is and doesn't hide it.  Be a bit rebellious. Be yourself. 

PS. Chances are if you think she is influencing your children negatively you are wrong. It's called public school. - Taylor

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