Wednesday, April 2, 2014

9 Tips for travelling with your friends.

Friendship is based on many things, In my case some of those things are boys, bands, boys in bands, and boybands, but along with all of that - My friendship with D W I F O is founded on a love of travel. Every single one of us want to see the world. Not in an ordinary "Oh! Lets go to PCB on spring break and get wasted" kind of travel, but an inherent need to see and experience as much as we possibly can - together. I mean we have to actually TRAVEL to each other just so we can hang out like normal friends. With all of the roadtripping we have done together - you could say that we have it down to a science. 

That being said, this May we will all be taking amazing trips. Although our group will be split in half and seeing completely different parts of the world, I can guarantee that we will all be using some of the tips we have discovered to make sure our trips go off without a hitch.

Some of my go-to packing and travel tips will be listed after the cut!

Packing can be a chore. It is my 2nd least favorite part of any trip. (unpacking being my LEAST favorite) But I have come up with a few tips over the years that have made it a little less of a hassle.

1. Pack a spare tooth brush and some toothpaste into a ziploc bag and put it in your suitcase and LEAVE IT THERE. I learned this the hard way because I am the queen of "OH MY GOD CAN I BORROW YOUR TOOTHPASTE, I TOTALLY FORGOT MINE?!" I have a gallon size ziploc bag with all of my bathroom necessities that I never take out of my suitcase, even after I get home. It might seem like a silly thing to do, but I promise it will make packing much easier.

2. When traveling with friends, share hair stuffs. I don't mean that you should nescessarily share hair brushes, but most definitely share hair tools and products. If you know that you will all need a blow dryer, flat iron, and curling wand - decide who will bring which. There is no need to have several of each when you can all use the same one. Do the same with hairspray, leave in conditioner, sea salt spray, bobby pins, etc.

Roadtrips are my favorite trips, but there are a few things that make them easier on everyone.

3. Make gas money envelopes. This one seems kind of obvious - but I had never thought of it until Amber made some for a roadtrip a couple of years ago and we have never stopped using them. Be sure to include a little extra $$ to cover tolls.

4. Research roadside attractions along your route. I can assure you that you will not remember all of the naps that you took in the car during your 15+ hour roadtrip - but you will remember stopping to see Dinosaurs in Kentucky, The worlds largest rocking chair in Missouri, and a bright blue whale in Oklahoma.

Getting to your destination is fun, but when you arrive - thats when the real adventure begins.

5. Talk to everyone. I know that your mother probably told you not to talk to strangers but meeting new people is SO FUN. Even if you are just asking your waitress what you should put on your to-do list while in town, you can guarantee that she will be able to give you the best tips on how to experience the town like the locals do. And THAT, my friends, is not something that tripadvisor can do. 

6. Dont sleep.  No really, just don't sleep. Okay, maybe you can sleep if there is nothing better to do, but there is ALWAYS something better to do.

7. Always eat local cuisine. I know more than anyone how easy it is choose a place to eat just because its cheap, but everyone should try and find a -local-non chain- restaurant to eat at during their trip. If we hadn't done that, how else would I have discovered the Chili Queso Burger at The Brook in Tulsa, Oklahoma or gotten *free pistachio macarons in NYC? (*#5 scored us free desserts!) 

Leaving is always the hardest part. You're tired, you've spent all your money, and you still have to drive ALL the way home. Luckily, we have a few ways that always seem to make our trip home a little less terrible. 

8. Buy a pack of disposable cameras. If several people are going on a trip - buy a pack of disposable cameras and split the cost. Put them in a central place every night and when you are ready to explore have everyone grab a random camera and snap lots of pics. This way all of the pictures are completely random on every camera. At the end of the trip - take them to a walgreens and have all of the pictures developed. The pictures are an awesome way to remind you of everything you did and its fun to take pictures without immediately looking back through them on a digital camera! The pics will definitely keep you entertained on your ride home.

9. Make a wonderfully bad playlist. I don't care if you are a music snob or someone who only listens to top 40 - everyone loves to loudly scream the words of the best/worst songs of the 90's. My recommendations are Faded - Soul Decision, Digital Getdown - N*sync, Quit Playin' Games (with my heart) - Backstreet boys, and a recent favorite Push - Matchbox Twenty. 

Now that you have seen my list of tips - do you have any that I didn't post? If you do, share them in the comments below to help out your fellow nomads!

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