Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Be Very Kind

So my post this month is going to be a bit different. It's not about a trip or a concert or an album or a purse. It’s a little rambly thing about being nice.

Now before I start, I am in no way saying that I am the epitome of kindness. I have a very quick temper and I'm super quick to judge. I'm sassy, I guess. But recently I can't help but notice an overall sense of, well, plain meanness on the internet. Which gives me an overall sense of ickyness. Please don’t think I’m calling anyone out personally, because that’s not my intention at all. (But if you feel like this is about you, maybe you should rethink your internet persona...) It makes me wonder, where’s the love?

(PS if you don't know what this is from, you should be ashamed. Then you should click it and educate yourself.)

Social media is SO great. Without it I wouldn't have met any of my best friends. But at the same time, social media makes it so easy to be feisty and petty and provides platforms to share those bad vibes. It's like it instantly transforms us into hormonal pubescent little girls. And, in case you missed it, it's impossible to convey tone in a written message. There's no special sarcasm font. And like, I get it. There is always something new or someone cute and you want to be the first to like it/them and stake your claim and if you don't it's super easy to let the green monster of jealousy take over. I’ve had to swallow that bitter pill more than a few times myself. But here's the thing: it doesn't actually matter. It’s okay to share bands and pictures of cute boys/girls with your friends. It will probably bring you closer together. 

I can't stress how important it is to just stop, chill, and really think about what you put out there. Will what your typing negatively affect someone? All the subtweets, retweets, catty comments; it's exhausting. And it goes both ways. Not everything posted is meant to be offensive. No tone on the internet, remember? So I have to ask: At what point does it end? Is it over when you've made someone jealous? Is it over when you've insulted something someone likes, or is passionate over? Is it over when feelings are hurt? Is it over when friends stop talking to each other? And was it worth it?

Just. Don't be petty, don't be rude. Treat others with the amount of respect you want to receive in return. It's literally that simple. And don't do it with a selfish heart; karma doesn't work that way. 

Wouldn't be a true post by me without some music, now would it?

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